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​Tip: We do our best to get back to all e-mails as soon as we can. However if your request is urgent please telephone your local consumer services team. Find the number in our directory of Nestlé numbers worldwide

Tip: We will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. However if your request is urgent please telephone your local consumer services team. Find the number in our directory of Nestlé numbers worldwide

Tip: We will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. If your request is urgent then please telephone one of our Investor Relations team.

Privacy disclosure: Your personal data will be used as set out in the Privacy Notice.

Tip: We will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can. However if you are working to a tight deadline please telephone one of our Corporate Media Relations team.

Tip: If you would like to apply for a job or send your CV for future positions then please visit our dedicated job search page.

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  Pridružite se klubu Nestlé Baby Club


Bodite na tekočem z novicami in uživajte v presenečenjih, ki so pripravljena za vas.



Bodite na tekočem z vsem, kar morate storiti, z uporabo naših uporabnih aplikacij.



Na vsaki stopnji imate na voljo članke in mnenja strokovnjakov.



Izvedite vse o dojenčkovi prehrani v prvih 1000 dneh življenja.